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Contributo para uma história do asturo-leonês em Portugal / Contribution to a history of Astur-Leonese in Portugal


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Lletres Asturianes

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[Resumen extraído de la fuente original]

Esti trabayu presenta una revision de los fechos historicos que tuvieron mayor relevancia y que permiten comprender meyor la situacion sociollinguistica actual del asturlleones en territoriu portugues. Analizarase tamien, con especial procuru, l’impactu que la proclamacion del mirandes como llingua oficial de la Republica Portuguesa tuvo na situacion sociollinguistica del idioma. Pallabres clave: Llinguistica, sociollinguistica, astur, mirandes, Historia de la Llingua.

This paper presents a review of the historical facts which were most relevant or that better allows us to understand the current sociolinguistic situation of the Astur-Leonese language in Portuguese territory. On the other hand, we will analyse with particular detail the impact which the proclamation of Mirandese as an official language of the Portuguese Republic had in the sociolinguistic situation of the language. Key words: Linguistics. sociolinguistics, asturian, mirandese, History of the language.

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2019-08-02 14:23