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O noroeste peninsular no trânsito da Antiguidade à Idade Média

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[Resumo extraido da fonte] 

The study of historical development of the NW of Iberian Peninsula in the transition from Later Antiquity to Upper Middle Age is an exercise where the historian must try to complete the panorama from just few historia sources a still-not-developed medieval archeology. We want to give a general view with such sources and the most recent historiography and researching. In this work, a new vision of the Sueve and Wisigothic domination, especially for the Bragança and Zamora area is done, showing how their rule was not complete, allowing local powers in the region and opposed to what traditional history points out. Religious facts are also explained: the new organisation of the dioceses with theis sees, the new religious forms mixing both Pagan and Christian traditions and the beginning and development of monastic life is searching of a new spirituality. We want to show also how the Muslim invasion modified the arena in the region of Bragança and Zamora and how it was incorporated into the Asturian Kingdom and see whether the traditional vision explains satisfactory the transition fron the proto-feudal society to a feudal one with these phenomena.

ÍNDICE: I. Suevos e visigodos em Bragança e Zamora │ 1. A constitução do reino suevo e o domínio visigodo (século V-VIII) │ 2. Uma complexa organização eclesiástica: o parrochiale suevum e a organização das dioceses nos séculos VI e VII │ 3. A religiosidade na época sueva e visigoda │ 4. Os mosteiros e eremitórios nos séculos VI e VII │ 5. A modo de resumo: uma sociedade dinâmica ││ II. A invasão muçulmaa e a "Reconquista" em Bragança e Zamora │ 6. A invasão islâmica e a questão da "tese do ermamento" │ 7. A integração da região de Bragança e Zamora no reino asturiano. Para uma nova interpretação das fontes históricas │ 8. A restauração das dioceses eclesiásticas e a nova configuração dos espaços de poder │ 9. Conclusão │ 10. Bibliografia 

Last modified
09/13/2022 - 12:40